Thursday, 27 December 2012

Christmas Party in December (ORG)

Our Reading Group Theme: Christmas!

This time all children will have
a mini Xmas Party after the reading sessions!
All the stories are related to Christmas!

After the reading sessions, we have a singing sessions,
the children are happy to sing the Jingle Bell song.

Now it is the guessing game. The children get to feel inside
the Xmas Stocking and describe what it feels like, and also guess what it is! 
 See each of them have fun feeling it and guess what it is.....
 After the guessing game, each of the children get to decorate the Xmas tree;
they will each have an ornament to hang on the tree,
thanks to Mommy Pei Aik for the ornaments! 
Oooo.... after that, this is what all the children has been waiting for... presents!
All stockings are hang near the tree, and each mommies get to place a presents for all the children;
you are right, all children got at 6 presents each!

Here is the book swapping session!

All children are happy with the mini Xmas Party!
Oh I forgot, we get to name Santa's Reindeer and have a go at drawing it too!
Thanks again to all parents who attended, it was real fun for the children!

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Origami Christmas Fun in December

We are happy that Ms.Cherly Loh is able to come over and show the kids how to do Origami the fun way. As some of you may have know, she is the expert in this field! First Origami Guru in Malaysia. She has mastered her skills in Origami for many years in Japan. We are so happy to have her teaching the children!
 All the kids are having fun making different things, we have two sessions, one for the younger kids, and another for the older children! They all have much fun doing it; especially the younger ones as it is their first attempt doing Origami!
 The kids are happy to show off their creativity!
 Here the older children are having their go on the Origami! Concentrating hard!
 Second activity that we are doing is writing a personal letter to Santa Claus,
asking for their favourite toys... etc.
See they do their best colouring and writing!
 Here the letter......... so sweet!
 Now, time for Xmas Goodies Jar!
This acitivity is to let the children use their 5 senses.
First the need to see, then smell the ingredients. They need to recognise them individually.
Then they get to use their fine motor skills to scoop each ingredients into the Jar.
See how they do it properly! 
 Now, they get to shake the jar, having some fun you see....
 Last but not least, they get to taste it!
So by now they will recognise the individual ingredients
with no problem!
Oh, they love it so much, cannot stop helping themselves too!
Time for gift exchange! A bit of chaos.... as there are so many children and less time!
But they were all happy singing Jingle Bells and opening their gifts!
They just could not wait till Christmas I guess!
 So they all are happy with their presents!
Did we all have fun?
Of course! Thanks for all mommies who help make this playgroup happening!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Xmas Breakfast Goodies Jar

For December activities, we did Xmas Goodies Jar for the kids to have fun! It was really interesting to see them get so excited and they love it!
Click Here if you would like the recipe, as I adapted it form Martha Stewart Living, December 2006 .

Well for the dried fruits you can always improvised; I added Raisins and Sultanas too for the children. They love it! Hope they all will have a wonderful breakfast!